Another good reason to support Obama

Forget the hype, the chanting crowds, the nonsense about Revd Wright. This speech - two years old - shows what I hope is the real Barack Obama. Of course, he's unlikely to voice such disrespectful sentiments about the Old Testament in the run up to this November's election...


Anonymous said…
Yes, I saw this on Pharyngula. It's just what I would want a decent, centrist candidate to say about faith issues. I hope this is the 'real' Obama. He certainly seems comfortable taking a common sense line on matters that bring out America's Looney Tunes in force.
WeepingCross said…
How good to hear somebody who may actually have an effect on public life not just in his own country but elsewhere speaking so sensibly about the proper relationship between belief and society. I hope (and pray) it turns out that you're right about him.

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