Hazel Blears

But if not all, then who? Because, though the important things are apt to get lost amidst the vast, overwhelming welter of information that the Telegraph continues to pour forth, some cases are clearly worse than others. Take Hazel Blears, for example. Here's someone who manipulated the "second home" status blatantly, bestowing it upon three properties in the space of a year. Having used the allowance to furnish her constituency house with an expensive power-guzzler of a TV set and a brand new bed, she then redesignated her London flat as a second home, using the status to avoid capital gains tax which would otherwise have been due.
That's right: a cabinet minister, belonging to a government that has (though only recently, it is true) made much moralistic to-do about tax havens and the kind of creative schemes rich bankers and their accountants dream up to withold money from the Inland Revenue, blatantly manipulates the system so as to avoid paying tax. And then, for good measure, she uses the second home allowance to furnish her new London flat with, among other things, an expensive TV and a mattress. Meanwhile, the constituency she represents, Salford, is among the poorest in the country.
This is pretty shoddy behaviour, is it not? Hazel Blears may not be the worst of the worst, but she's one of the worst. Worse, for example, than David Willetts with his lightbulbs or even John Prescott with his loo seats. She must at least be in, say, the first decentile of Parliamentary badness. One would hope so, at any rate. It would be truly disturbing to think that her behaviour were par for the course.
Oh, yes, it was "within the rules". Which means, presumably, that her profiteering and tax-avoidance, her preference for expensive televisions - including for her London bolthole - when someone with her (I assume) heavy workload can hardly have much time to watch even a cheap set, is all the fault of the rules. Honest, M'Lud, it was the rules made me do it. They practically forced me. Pathetic. Risible and pathetic. She should be hiding her head inside a bucket and refusing to venture out. Instead she appears, chirpy as always, grinning as though she's just received a particularly nice birthday present, in front of the cameras to say, and I quote, "the system is wrong, it needs to be changed". No contrition, no apology, not even the tiniest hint that she may, personally, have done something she oughtn't to.
What is so wrong about the system, Hazel? That it allows people like you to manipulate it to their personal advantage? That might, if true, be a reason to change the system. But it doesn't absolve you of one iota of personal responsibility for your shamelessness and greed. That's your business, not the system's.
The only possible sense I can extract from Blears' "it wasn't me, it was the rules" shtick is that the "rules" function like some sort of drug, and that Hazel (like some of her colleagues, but unlike others) is an addict. As with drink, so with parliamentary allowances, there are some who never touch the stuff; others - perhaps a majority - who manage to consume moderately and within healthy limits; and a hard core of damaged alcoholics who just can't help themselves. They need help, obviously. Perhaps some sort of 12-step programme could be devised to help the likes of Hazel Blears free themselves from dependency. But in the meantime, she shouldn't be running a department of state.
As for whether Blears' manipulation of the system was indeed "within the rules", this must be open to question. "Flipping" between second homes might be allowed technically by the House of Commons, but Blears also told the Inland Revenue that her London flat was her main home at the same time she was telling the House that it was her second home. To make things worse, she insisted at the weekend that her constituency home was always her main one. Which sounds to me like an admission of lying to the Inland Revenue. This is not "within the rules": it is a very serious offence, and I hope the tax inspectors are looking closely at her accounts.
But almost more exasperating than the facts of the case is Hazel Blears herself. George Monbiot, writing up a recent encounter with the Communities Secretary in the Guardian, noted her boundless ambition and preternatural levels of self-belief, which he found "terrifying". Like Blair himself, "she appears to be able to persuade herself of a series of improbable but convenient propositions". He wasn't writing of her conviction that her behaviour in the expenses business was "within the rules", and therefore entirely reasonable, but he might easily have been. The worst of this business might be that Blears, like other sleazebound ministers, genuinely believes that she has done nothing wrong.
Chutzpah - or blatant cheek - is a notable Blears characteristic. Just a few days ago she made a splash in the Guardian with her "YouTube if you want to" jibe aimed (it was generally assumed) at Smiler Brown. Even at the time it seemed impertinent, with its assumption that the main faults of Labour were presentational (although they always say that). Labour "need to show we are still in tune and in touch with people" she said. "We need to have a relationship with the voters based on shared instincts and emotions." This from a woman who knew then, even if we didn't, that the world was about to discover how she equipped both her homes with the latest luxury TVs at the public expense. We are dealing, I think, with someone who has ceased to have any contact with normal reality, but who continues to consider herself "in touch" with the ordinary working class from which she sprung. How does she do it?
Another favourite Blears theme is the danger of cynicism. Cynicism among the public about politicians, that is, not cynicism among politicians when it comes to putting their fingers in the public purse. Feb 6 saw her responding to one of Monbiot's regular attacks on the political class. Monbiot's comments, she wrote, were not merely cynical but "corrosive", and amounted to nothing more than "playground taunts". She accused him of basing his opinions on prejudice. "Imagine if cabinet ministers voiced their opinions without any evidence base", she said, once again demonstrating her lack of acquaintance with irony. Her main objection to Monbiot, though, was that he wasn't elected, and yet presumed to criticise politicians who were!
That little rant was, in a sense, a follow-up to her most notorious excursion into the messenger-shooting business, her speech to the Hansard society in November that accused media commentators of operating "without scrutiny or redress", demanded editors free up more space to carry the unedited thoughts of "elected politicians" and, famously, accused bloggers of the twin crimes of being negative and Tory. There were, she conceded, "some informative and entertaining political blogs" - the ones written by politicians, naturally - but complained that, by and large, they were "written by people with a disdain for the political system and politicians, who see their function as unearthing scandals, conspiracies and perceived hypocrisy".
Like - um - fiddling Parliamentary expenses, perhaps?
Whether I bin my Euro poll card before the end of this week will probably depend on how much I read about these 'honourable' members.
Incidetally, shouldn't that old convention be modified now? They should call each other 'my rule-following friend', or 'the not-actually-criminal member'. Just so we're all on the same page. The bastards.
Presumably it will be the turn of Lib Dem MPs to squirm when the papers have done with the Tories.
'Why don't you form your own party, then, bigmouth?'
Yes, I'll just get a few million quid from all my billionaire tax exile buddies and storm the citadels of power. It was once possible to form a party that was an association of ordinary voters. Now it is not. Today a British political party that wants to win more than a handful of seats doesn't waste time on ordinary people.
The facts are plain enough. The collapse in Tory party membership during and after the Thatcher era has been matched by the collapse of Labour activism since 1997. And this decline has mirrored the drop in the numbers voting at general elections. The masses - oddly, in an age of mass culture - are increasingly excluded from political life, and they know it.
Would the Tories be worse? You assume so as an article of faith. Once I would have done the same, but I suspect they might be a little better, if only because (on any remotely credible swing) they would be unable to rely on a huge majority consisting of backbench timeservers asking 'which lobby do I file into this time?' A government with a majority of, say, thirty is a government on its toes - a governnment that's actually forced to bloody well think, debate, and justify its actions. Remember that sort of thing? It was all the rage once.
Remember that a majority of just 1 is sufficient to give electoral dictatorship to Cameron. The unlamented Major Government had a small majority but was not a beacon of probity or excellence - remember Jonathan Aitken and Jeffrey Archer? Cash for questions? Back to Basics? The Cones Hotline? The Dangerous Dogs Act?
It was once possible to form a party that was an association of ordinary voters.When exactly was this? Name the year. Any year. It is just as possible today as it always has been to form a political party and no harder than it always been to win power. New parties did not spring up out of nowhere in the C19th or the C20th you know. The new kids on the block, the Labour Party, was a mass movement that took a couple of generations to win power.
The problem is the lack of any consitution, the lottery of an electoral system and the fact that MPs are in reality chosen by a few people like me - party activists - and not by the voters.
All these things are reformable, they are fixable and all it takes is some self-belief and confidence that change is both possible and desirable. It might not be easy, few worthwhile things are.
I don't mean three good policies on each of course. Let's confine ourselves to the realms of the possible.
I agree with you about a lot of things, but not about the supposed moral duty to vote Labour, or indeed at all. A decadent, failing system should not be shored up. But we're not going to agree so I'll let it drop. Tell yourself you've won if you like. History will be the judge, and all that.
Health - waiting lists of 18 months or 2 years are a forgotten horror of Tory Government. When Pa WML got cancer he was getting surgery and radiotherapy in weeks. He's alive and in remission. If it had happened before the Labour Government I expect he'd have died.
Education - remember the days of not enough books to go round, leaking schools, not enough teachers, overflowing classes? Schools have had money lavished on them which was exactly what they needed
Crime - well your risk of being a victim of crime is at an all time low. That's probably a result of a strong economy and high employment.
And that's from a sworn enemy of the Labour Party who doesn't go round collecting their achievements in a scrap book and is more interested in picking holes. I'm far better on what they've done wrong!
If you want to act like a spoiled teenage brat then that is your right : its a free country after all. Just don't expect anything but contempt though.
Yes, I remember those days. I also remember tough exams that were possible to fail and actually learning something. Oh, and no tuition fees. Most of the money "lavished" on schools has gone on buildings. And there's little correlation between the size of classes and the quality of education. Labour money has ruined educational standards and produced a generation with indistingushable and meaningless A grades, that has been worked and tested harder than any before them but, for all that, has learned less. What Labour has done to education is tragic. Spending money is not a virtue.
As you say the current system is not finely tuned to identifying the top 0.5% and directing them to Oxbridge any more. It has gone too far towards coursework, the grades aren't comparable with those of the 70s in any way.
Spending money where money needs to be spent is a virtue. There is a strong correlation between money spent on health and life expectancy after all. I like being alive. I like my relations being alive. I think spending money on this is an excellent thing. You don't - that is your right.
The targets have worked, they did focus hospitals and staff on reducing waiting times. Ma WML having long worked with the mentally handicapped could tell you all about the unsexy, unloved and unprioritised sectors of the NHS.
I agree it could and should have been done better. It would certainly have continued to be done worse had the Tories not been out of power for a decade. It will be done worse when they get back into power - history has taught us that.
Luckily I will be able to afford to go private when Keep-It-Real Dave and Boy George start running down the NHS next year. Fortunately for Mrs WML her prestigious cancer department has been expensively upgraded and expanded so should still be continuing to provide a good service even when it gets neglected for a decade. In about 2020 it will be in as bad a state as it was in 1997 I fear but with luck she might have retired by then.
For those in parts of the country who didn't get their treatment centre brought up to scratch in the last decade, well I fear for you. Move house is my advice.
I forgot to mention NIHCE. That has been an excellent development in UK healthcare, a very sensible policy indeed. The QALY does help focus spending on quality of life not just keeping people alive for a few weeks instead of doing hip replacements or physiotherapy.
Physiotherapy. Now there is a neglected sector ...
NuLabour have been able to do what the Tories could not dare, simply because NuLabour banked on getting away with no opposition from the Tories (it was called triangulation wasn't it?) and being allowed to sneer at the Liberals.
Disgracefully, much of the media was complicit.
It is actually hard to believe that the Conservatives would have been worse. I think this is because we assume that they would have had some sort of opposition.I take it that you are too young to remember the 1990s? Well listen to those of us that were there when we assure you that, unbelieve though it may sound, the Tories were actually worse.
And don't forget that Cameron was in Downing Street, in a junior advisory position, during those dark days. I see no reason for optimism about his administration of Old Etonian Bullingdon Club types. Yes I know he allows public schoolboys in who weren't actually at Eton but only if they are the type who might well have been....
NuLabour have done much the same, little better, but often worse and with more cynicism.
To have squandered so much and achieved so little.
I'd agree that in its dog days it was too weak and riven with in-fighting to do anything much. This was by far its best phase, when it stopped making things worse and let the country get on with healing itself. Often the best thing a government can actually do is to stop shaking up, reforming and redirecting education or health - "A policy of masterly inactivity" Lord Salisbury used to call it.
He had the opportunity to achieve something that would stand for generations. But he far preferred to cling on to the trappings of power instead.
John Major still has the Midas touch in reverse, every golden thing he touches turns to shit. Just look at what the once mighty all-conquering Surrey CCC has become thanks to him. My only consolation is that he is wrecking my beloved county cricket team instead of the whole country.
Perhaps you do not believe that Blair courted cronies in the city. When it comes to "untold millions poured down the drain", Major is not alone!
Whether PFI turns out to be a good thing or an expensive mistake remains to be seen. My money is on the latter but then again that is what I said about Thatcher's privatisation program and having been proven wrong once I'm not in a rush to repeat the error. Your wild-eyed claims that Blair or Brown benefitted from it personally or did it simply to make friends rich really are hilarious.
Please go and post such nonsense on CiF as they love that rubbish there. This blog by contrast does have some standards to maintain.
Let me reiterate your position, which is that the likelihood that any of Blair's friends have benefited from the implementation of New Labour policies is a s likely as "that the moon landings were faked, that the CIA killed JFK, the US Govt was behind the collapse of the twin towers".
Standards to maintain?